Donate now to provide a vehicle for a hard-working family in need.
Your gift helps provide access to increased economic opportunities for hard working families in Indian River County..

How your gift helps
According to the Indian River County Needs Assessment, approximately 6% of households in Indian River County reported having no motor vehicle. Additionally, according to the Indian River Indicators provided by the Indian River Community Foundation, on a scale of 20 to 1 with 1 being the lowest, Indian River County has a Walkability Index of 7.5 and a Walkability proximity to transit ranking of 1.*
Click Here to Donate a Vehicle
Your generous support helps provide a vehicle and a chance toward:
Improved Economic Outcomes - Researchers have consistently found that having a car is associated with improved economic outcomes. When poor households have or gain a car, household members are more likely to be or become employed, keep their jobs, increase their earnings, work more hours, and leave welfare programs.
*Walkability Index is based on a 1-20 scale. Higher values, those closer to 20, are areas with a high level of walkability while low values, those closer to 1, are less walkable areas. Proximity to transit ranking is based on a 1-20 range, with 20 being in close proximity to transit and walk trips. High values (near 20) mean it is easy to walk to a transit stop. Areas with lower values are areas that require a long walk to a transit stop.